Construction is ongoing at the Town of Eastham’s second and final water storage tank of their new Municipal Water System!
The District H tank will serve Eastham’s Water System by increasing water storage capacity for the growing number of service connections, creating redundancy and resiliency to enable shutdown of the existing tank for repairs and maintenance, and providing more reserve for emergencies. The composite-style, elevated tank will stand at 135 feet tall and hold 750,000-gallons of potable water. Pouring of the concrete shaft is complete, and welding of the steel bowl is underway. The bowl will then be painted on the ground and hoisted to grade. The tank is scheduled to be operational in December 2024.
EP has partnered with Eastham since 2005 on the planning, design, permitting, and construction of their award-winning, Town-wide Water System. Construction of the system began in July 2015 and first provided water to residents in Fall 2016. The Town has since been building out the rest of the system, and one of the final components is the District H water storage tank.