In June 2023, the Town of Plymouth, MA experienced a sewer force main pipe break on Sandwich Street and quickly made temporary repairs. Shortly after, the Town worked with EP to prepare an expedited plan for design, permitting, bidding, and construction to rehabilitate around 700 linear feet of 10-inch cast iron (CI) sewer force main running from the Holmes Point Pump Station, to the intersection of Sandwich Street and Winter Street.
The contract involved excavating two access pits for cleaning, CCTV inspection, and CIPP lining the approximately 700 linear feet of sewer force main. It also included installing two new sections of 10-inch PVC sewer force main at the access pits to connect to the rehabilitated 10” CI force main, along with associated fittings and appurtenances. As part of this work, the General Contractor, Insituform Technologies LLC, furnished, installed, and maintained a temporary sewer bypass pumping system, which extended from a manhole outside of the Holmes Point Pump Station to a discharge manhole located at the intersection of Sandwich Street and Bay View Avenue.
The General Contractor substantially completed the project on April 9, 2024.