EP was happy to attend to the Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Town of Easton’s PFAS Treatment Plant last week!
In June 2020, Town Meeting approved funding for a PFAS engineering study to identify long-term PFAS treatment options. The results of that study recommended the installation of PFAS treatment filter plants at wells 1, 2, and 4. In May 2021, Town Meeting approved funding for construction of the three PFAS treatment plants, which was bolstered by a $2 million grant secured by former State Representative Claire Cronin. Construction began in May 2022 and completed December 2023 with all three plants fully operational. The filter plants are installed with ion exchange resin to filter out PFAS to a level of non-detection.
Thank you to the voters of Easton, elected/appointed officials, Town staff, and in particular the Easton Department of Public Works and Water Division.