Intersection Improvements
Adapting existing intersections to accommodate current vehicular demand, promote motorist safety and appropriate travel speeds, and improve conditions for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit are essential for any successful transportation network.
Intersections play a critical role frequently as the source of congestion along corridors and where pedestrians and bicyclists are most exposed. Trends in crashes can often be associated with driver frustration, drawing a direct connection between delay and safety. As part of a wide variety of services and projects including on-call services and reconstruction of major roadways, Environmental Partners (EP) has a long history of successfully providing intersection improvement design and incorporating Complete Streets initiatives into even the most congested of locations with limited right of way, grading challenges, and environmental constraints. Thorough evaluations and customized solutions, coupled with in-depth public outreach allows EP to provide each client a holistic approach and outcome, reflecting their community’s unique set of objectives.