Pump Stations
Wastewater pump stations are the critical cog in wastewater collection and conveyance systems and a significant factor in the cost of operations and maintenance.
Environmental Partners (EP) has completed pump station projects for municipalities, private utilities, and industrial and commercial clients ranging from the condition assessment of small “packaged” pump stations to the design of complex and multi-million dollar pumping systems. Offering a full range of pump station services, EP provides operations and maintenance assessments, reliability evaluations, energy use reviews, design, permitting, and construction oversight of upgrades and new construction. With comprehensive services including pump station analysis for existing stations to determine the feasibility of upgrading or eliminating them; development of operations and maintenance programs; constructability reviews; and life cycle cost analyses, EP ensures the efficiency, safety, and reliability of wastewater pump stations that is critical to minimizing the long-term cost of wastewater systems.