Traffic Calming
With increases in pedestrian and bicycle traffic being experienced along most transportation networks, it is imperative that motorists travel at appropriate travel speeds to ensure safe passage for all users.
Comprehensive traffic and transportation design provides balanced multi-modal accommodations that promotes safe travel by all users while maintaining operations. While slower travel speeds by motorists typically provide safer accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists, it is imperative that the right balance of traffic calming be achieved in order to keep the right traffic on the right roadways, and discourage motorists from seeking alternate routes through residential neighborhoods. Environmental Partners (EP) provides traffic calming assessments and strategies to New England communities for each unique condition, recognizing the importance of developing deep relationships with, and a deep understanding of each community. Whether treatments include roundabouts, raised tables, median islands, bump-outs, chicanes, or pavement treatments or markings, EP takes a customized approach in identifying the appropriate degree of traffic calming required for each location.