To improve pedestrian and bicyclist safety, access, and comfort along Washington Street, EP assisted the Town of Abington in winning another round of Complete Streets Funding to implement ADA-accessible sidewalks and dedicated bicycle lanes.
The project improved pedestrian and bicycle access to Beaver Brook Elementary School and sports fields, as well as residential neighborhoods, and commercial areas along Washington Street. The project will also provide a much-needed connection to the newly constructed shared-use path along Lincoln Boulevard, from the destinations along the subject portion of Washington Street to Abington High School, Abington Town Hall and, Abington’s Public Library. Work also includes the reconstruction of sidewalk and curb ramps to achieve ADA compliance, and installation of on-road bicycle lane striping or Sharrow markings with adjacent signage along Washington Street.
The project as a whole will be instrumental for providing a comprehensive bicycle and pedestrian network in the heart of Abington between destinations where true demand exists for on-road cycling. Construction is currently underway and anticipated to be completed in the Fall.