EP Celebrates at 2023 ACEC/MA Awards Gala

EP was happy to attend ACEC/MA’s 2023 Engineering Excellence Awards Gala!

Project Manager Ryan Paul (center) with support team Lauren Howe (left) and Maria George (right) were present to accept the Bronze award for Town of Lexington’s stormwater project, “Elevating Resilience: Lexington Leverages Green Infrastructure for Stormwater Solutions.”

The Oxbow Road residential area in Lexington, MA has a long history of localized flooding. The neighboring major highway system contributes substantial stormwater runoff into the municipal drainage system and its discharge to Kiln Brook. EP’s naturalized approach to blend gray and green infrastructure components addressed the drainage challenges while providing an elevated aesthetic to the residential area through use of a vegetated retaining wall and restoration of the wetland areas along the drainage easement.

While the engineering goal was to address complex stormwater issues with a multifaceted approach, the design goal was to create something that looked completely natural and discrete. The living retaining wall and plant species were selected to ensure that this project disappeared and enhanced the landscape and community.

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