Harts Hill Water Storage Tank Replacement

December 2023

The Town of Wakefield is investing in its water distribution system by replacing the Harts Hill riveted steel standpipe built circa 1920, the only water storage in the Town’s water system.

EP collaborated with local residents, town officials, and telecommunication providers and has designed a glass fused-to-steel standpipe in the footprint of the existing standpipe. Tank demolition is complete and construction of the new standpipe will be complete this upcoming Spring.

March 2024

The new Hart’s Hill water storage tank is now standing (51 feet) tall!

EP assisted the Town of Wakefield with their capital improvement program which includes replacement of their only water storage tank. The 1930’s vintage tank made of riveted steel has now been replaced with a new glass-fused-to steel tank that will never have to be painted again. Next steps include installation of a mixing system for water quality, filling, and testing. The project also includes replacement of the transmission main on Green Street, Dillaway Street and Upland Road this spring.