Stormwater Management Services

  • Client

    Town of Pembroke

  • EP’s Role


The Town of Pembroke had been monitoring the increase in stormwater-related contaminants in their surface waters, including phosphorous, nitrogen, and sediment loading. Excess of these containments led to beach closures due to high bacteria counts and blue green algae blooms. The Town has operated under a Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit for stormwater discharges, as defined in current EPA NPDES Regulations, since 2003.

In Fall of 2012, the Town of Pembroke selected Environmental Partners (EP) to assist with Professional Engineering and Consulting Services for the implementation of a wide range of Stormwater Management responsibilities, including drainage improvement projects, stormwater management goals related to construction activities, and water quality protection programs.

Since 2012, EP has provided MS4 Permit compliance assistance including Notice of Intent (NOI) preparation, an update of the Town’s Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP), and preparation of Annual Reports. EP has also conducted Field Investigations, sampling outlet pipes that discharge to the Town’s impaired waters; provided GPS services to establish GIS base maps of the drainage infrastructure; Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination (IDDE) planning and catchment ranking; Condition Assessments of constructed stormwater best management practices (BMPs); as well as identifying drainage improvement projects for the Town.

In order to complete these tasks, EP assisted the Town in obtaining a SRF loan to help fund their robust stormwater program, and is currently evaluating the feasibility of establishing a stormwater utility to continue their efforts. As the Town’s ponds, rivers and streams are an important resource for the community, controlling stormwater discharges and improving the watershed’s water quality is a high priority for the Town of Pembroke and its residents.

Key Team Members