Two 66-inch diameter culverts are causing roadway failures on Watershed Lane in Chelmsford, MA, the only access to the Chelmsford Water District’s office. EP is working with the District to design a new culvert to solve their roadway issues and meet the MassDEP Stormwater Standards.
EP completed an alternatives analysis to identify the best locations for a new culvert using PCSWMM modelling software, providing the district with visual figures showing existing conditions flooding versus proposed conditions. Field work included pebble counts, long term stream gauge measurements, borings, test pits and survey, and EP is currently working on design drawings of a 25’ span, 5’ deep precast arched culvert. Additionally, EP is assisting the Chelmsford Water District in submitting a Hazard Mitigation Grant Program Application for design and construction budget of approximately $1.8M.