Installed in 1984, the Town of Whitman’s 16,000 linear foot sewer force main services the majority of the Town’s wastewater flow, which is pumped to the City of Brockton for treatment. The sewer force main runs through Whitman and Brockton along a number of roadways and cross-country easements.
The Town responded to two emergency ruptures of the sewer force main in 2016 and 2017, which ultimately led to the Town retaining EP to perform an assessment of the sewer force main to look at potential options for rehabilitation and replacement.
After assisting the Town with the design and permitting of a new sewer force main comprised of 20” PVC and 20” HDPE sewer main piping, EP is currently providing construction administration and oversight services for its replacement. With C. Naughton Corp. of Bridgewater, MA, construction of the new sewer force main began in the Spring of 2022 and is scheduled to be commissioned during the Summer of 2023.